When talking about 778322 2017608 363643, it's the words on the CF-A flexible rubber couplings. They are series number. In the series, there are several sizes. You can't confirm the flexible rubber coupling according to the number 778322 2017608 3688643. If you only check these two number, you may find the wrong size.
In the series, there are the following size:
Size 1, size 2, size 4, size 8, size 12, size 16, size 22, size 25, size 28, size 30, size 50, size 80, size 90, size 140, size 200, size 250, size 400, size 600, etc.
Here's a example of size 12:
size 12 778322 2017608 3633643 PAT Flexible Rubber Coupling Size Grosse D.B.P.
It’s a wide range of the size. So do remenber, NOT to confirm the size only with the number 778322 2017608 3633643.
On the rubber of the coupling, there are not noly 778322 2017608 3633643, but also size information, hardness information on the surface.
About the hardness of the rubber, 60 shore is the most widely used. The flexible rubber couplings of 60 shore are widely used as air compressor couplings, marine couplings, excavator couplings, bulldozer couplings and many other construction machinery couplings or agricultural machinery couplings.
Besides, there are two kinds of holes for the CF-A coupling series. They are step holes and straight holes. If you are not sure about the holes type of your coupling, you can contact our staff to confirm. Or here is an illustration you can check. Here’s the link: Illustration about the hole type of A AS Coupling (Replacement for Centaflex CF-A Series)
Here’s a video of size 4 step holes: